.. _quickstart: ========== Quickstart ========== Once CasperJS is :doc:`properly installed `, you can write your first script. You can use plain :ref:`Javascript ` or :ref:`CoffeeScript `. .. hint:: If you're not too comfortable with Javascript, a :ref:`dedicated FAQ entry ` is waiting for you. .. _quickstart_javascript: A minimal scraping script ------------------------- Fire up your favorite editor, create and save a ``sample.js`` file like below:: var casper = require('casper').create(); casper.start('http://casperjs.org/', function() { this.echo(this.getTitle()); }); casper.thenOpen('http://phantomjs.org', function() { this.echo(this.getTitle()); }); casper.run(); Run it: .. code-block:: text $ casperjs sample.js You should get something like this: .. code-block:: text $ casperjs sample.js CasperJS, a navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API .. topic:: What did we just do? 1. we created a new :ref:`Casper ` instance 2. we started it and opened ``http://casperjs.org/`` 3. *once* the page has been loaded, we asked to print the title of that webpage (the content of its ```` tag) 4. *then* we opened another url, ``http://phantomjs.org/`` 5. *once* the new page has been loaded, we asked to print its title too 6. we executed the whole process Now let's scrape Google! ------------------------ In the following example, we'll query google for two terms consecutively, *"casperjs"* and *"phantomjs"*, aggregate the result links in a standard ``Array`` and output the result to the console. Fire up your favorite editor and save the javascript code below in a ``googlelinks.js`` file:: var links = []; var casper = require('casper').create(); function getLinks() { var links = document.querySelectorAll('h3.r a'); return Array.prototype.map.call(links, function(e) { return e.getAttribute('href'); }); } casper.start('http://google.fr/', function() { // search for 'casperjs' from google form this.fill('form[action="/search"]', { q: 'casperjs' }, true); }); casper.then(function() { // aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search links = this.evaluate(getLinks); // now search for 'phantomjs' by filling the form again this.fill('form[action="/search"]', { q: 'phantomjs' }, true); }); casper.then(function() { // aggregate results for the 'phantomjs' search links = links.concat(this.evaluate(getLinks)); }); casper.run(function() { // echo results in some pretty fashion this.echo(links.length + ' links found:'); this.echo(' - ' + links.join('\n - ')).exit(); }); Run it: .. code-block:: text $ casperjs googlelinks.js 20 links found: - https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs - https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs/issues/2 - https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs/tree/master/samples - https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs/commits/master/ - http://www.facebook.com/people/Casper-Js/100000337260665 - http://www.facebook.com/public/Casper-Js - http://hashtags.org/tag/CasperJS/ - http://www.zerotohundred.com/newforums/members/casper-js.html - http://www.yellowpages.com/casper-wy/j-s-enterprises - http://local.trib.com/casper+wy/j+s+chinese+restaurant.zq.html - http://www.phantomjs.org/ - http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/ - http://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/wiki/QuickStart - http://svay.com/blog/index/post/2011/08/31/Paris-JS-10-%3A-Introduction-%C3%A0-PhantomJS - https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs - http://dailyjs.com/2011/01/28/phantoms/ - http://css.dzone.com/articles/phantom-js-alternative - http://pilvee.com/blog/tag/phantom-js/ - http://ariya.blogspot.com/2011/01/phantomjs-minimalistic-headless-webkit.html - http://www.readwriteweb.com/hack/2011/03/phantomjs-the-power-of-webkit.php .. _quickstart_coffeescript: .. index:: coffeescript CoffeeScript version -------------------- You can also write Casper scripts using the `CoffeeScript syntax <http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/>`_: .. code-block:: coffeescript getLinks = -> links = document.querySelectorAll "h3.r a" Array::map.call links, (e) -> e.getAttribute "href" links = [] casper = require('casper').create() casper.start "http://google.fr/", -> # search for 'casperjs' from google form @fill "form[action='/search']", q: "casperjs", true casper.then -> # aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search links = @evaluate getLinks # search for 'phantomjs' from google form @fill "form[action='/search']", q: "phantomjs", true casper.then -> # concat results for the 'phantomjs' search links = links.concat @evaluate(getLinks) casper.run -> # display results @echo links.length + " links found:" @echo(" - " + links.join("\n - ")).exit() Just remember to suffix your script with the ``.coffee`` extension. A minimal testing script ------------------------ CasperJS is also a :ref:`testing framework <testing>`; test scripts are slightly different than scraping ones, though they share most of the API. A simplest test script:: // hello-test.js casper.test.begin("Hello, Test!", 1, function(test) { test.assert(true); test.done(); }); Run it using the ``casperjs test`` subcommand: .. code-block:: text $ casperjs test hello-test.js Test file: hello-test.js # Hello, Test! PASS Subject is strictly true PASS 1 test executed in 0.023s, 1 passed, 0 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped. .. note:: As you can see, there's no need to create a ``casper`` instance in a test script as a preconfigured one has already made available for you. You can read more about testing in the :ref:`dedicated section <testing>`.